PTA Committee Chair
Position Descriptions
The following are the EL Morro PTA volunteer committees that help to serve and put on all of the PTA events and programs for our students throughout the year. We would not be able to succeed without the help of our dedicated and committed family of volunteers. Read more to find out about the positions, a description of the responsibilities per committee, the recommended number of chair and committee members, the timeline and estimated time commitment for the chair role, and skills that may be helpful in this position. If you are interested in becoming a committee chair or helping out in any capacity, we welcome you to get involved, please contact the president@elmorropta.org. Don’t be intimidated by the time listed, you can put in as much or as little time as you would like to volunteer.
1 chair
Attend an annual conference at the state capital and report back with information about PTA positions on current legislation.
Time: School year
Skills: Organization, synthesize information into a report, travel.
Boo Blast
2 chair + 4 committee
Coordinate with all committee chairs, manage vendors, create maps and plan events for volunteers.
Time: Months of September and October; 3-10 hours/week; All day on days leading up to and of the event.
Skills: Event planning, delegating, communication, organization.
Boo Blast Bake Sale
1 chair
​Advertise need for donated baked goods the week before; be on campus early morning on day of Boo Blast to collect donations and store in kitchen. During Boo Blast, manage the bake sale with multiple volunteers throughout the event.
Time: Month of October; 2-4 hours/day for 4 days. All day long on day of Boo Blast with a couple of preparation days
Skills: Communication, organization, baking.
Boo Blast Silent Auction
1 chair + 1 committee
Organize the silent auction baskets donated by each classroom, make sure to avoid duplicate themes from each basket, help the room parents price their baskets, wrap the baskets in cellophane, keep track of basket sales during the event, and make sure baskets are paid for and taken home on the day of the event. Organize and manage credit card payments on iPads. Set up the tables at Boo Blast and tear down after.
Time: Month of October; 3-4 hours in preparation and day of event, and present for duration of Boo Blast event.
Skills: Organization, communication, comfortable delegating.
Boo Blast T-Shirt Contest
1 chair
Coordinate with Boo Blast Chair(s), create flyers to advertise the rules, distribute to teachers to send home. Collect all entries, organize by grade and deliver to the district for judging.
Time: Month of October; 2-4 hours total
Skills: Communication, organization.
Family Engagement
2 chair + 2 committee
Plan family engagement night events in the spring, coordinate food vendors, schedule events for kids, obtain permits, confirm insurance, and create communications.
Time: May; 12-20 hours total. Afternoon on day of event plus planning hours.
Skills: Organization, communication, planning events, comfortable delegating.
1 chair + 2 committee
Help out in the garden for six- one hour long sessions per year (distributed among committee). Help is also needed in the garden during the after school club in the winter and spring.
Time: School year; Six, 1-hour sessions throughout the year, plus winter, and spring after school.
Skills: Gardening, planning.
Green Team
1 chair
Advocate to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Time: School year; 6-8 hours total.
Skills: Communication.
Heritage Days
2 chair + 4 committee
Work to plan events and purchase materials for each station. Set-up and clean-up for the 2-day event in November, coordinate stations, donations and activities; oversee volunteers.
Time: Month of November; 12-20 hours total.
Skills: Event planning, arts & crafts, delegating, organizing.
1 chair + 1 committee
Provide food for volunteer events, send thank you cards to sponsors and birthdays notes for teachers, using PTA funds.
Time: Monthly, all school year; 2 hours/month.
Skills: Hosting and creating delightful spreads, communication, organization.
Jog-A-Thon Committee
1 chair + 4 committee
Chair and committee work together for our biggest fundraiser of the year to coordinate sponsors, create and order t-shirts, create communications and run events. Strong committee of volunteers needed.
Time: January through March. All day of event in March; 12-20 hours planning + all day presence on day of event.
Skills: Organization, communication, planning events, comfortable delegating.
1 chair
Coordinate events with librarian (Book Fair, parent volunteers).
Time: All school year; 2 hours/month ramp up hours during book fair.
Skills: Communication and organization.
Sponsorship Committee
1 chair + 3 committee
Chair and a strong committee work to find new and manage existing local businesses to sponsor events.
Time: All school year, but heavily focused in Oct (Boo Blast) and Feb (Jog-a-thon).
Skills: Organization, communication, comfortable asking for money, delegating.
Talent Show Committee
1 chair + 3 committee
Chair and committee work together to manage students during rehearsals and participate in the talent show (behind the scenes).
Time: April/May; 8-15 hours total in prep, plus day of event.
Skills: Organization, communication.
Staff Appreciation
1 chair + 3 committee
Shower our beloved faculty with gifts, meals and surprises during the week in spring.
Time: Month of May; 8-12 hours total.
Skills: Organization, communication, planning events, comfortable delegating.
Technology/ Website
1 chair
Maintain the website and keep it updated with relevant and current events.
Time: School Year, behind the scenes from home; 4 hours/month.
Skills: Web, communication, attention to detail.
1 chair + 1 committee
Capture pictures and layout the school yearbook. Coordinate with: room parents to request class pictures, event chairs for event pictures, teachers and obtain pictures from every major school event via yourself or contacts. Place order by May.
Time: All school year; 6-10 hours/month.
Skills: Photo-documenting, organizing, communication.
Click here to see all the board members for the current school year. If you are interested in getting more involved, please don't hesitate to contact any one of us! Email our President for general questions.