2024 Boo Blast T-Shirt Contest
Our annual Boo Blast T-Shirt Contest Kicks off Friday, October 4th!
Please find the flyer with contest rules and instructions in your child's backpack!
Boo Blast
T-Shirt Contest Rules
Submissions Due 10.28.2024
2024 Boo Blast Art Contest Rules
Winning designs must include the following words:
Boo Blast
The year: 2025
You must be a current El Morro student
Entry must be on 8.5x11” plain, bright white, unlined paper, portrait style (vertical)
Entry must be designed by your own hands, no tracing, no computer graphics, and no assistance
Your name must not be on the front of the design for judging impartiality
Judges’ tips:
Keep designs large and simple
Try to use less than 10 colors total
Be creative. Please do not try to copy last year’s winning design
As this is a school art contest, please avoid a lot of blood and/or gore as it is not appropriate for a winning design.
Please print your name in pencil on the back of the design and complete this form.
A parent/guardian must sign below for each entry submitted. Entries not following the contest rules will not be judged. Any questions? Email booblasttshirtcontest@elmorropta.org