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What's Coming Up?



College & Career Day!

Wear Your Favorite College Gear

Handy Resources

What's For Lunch This Week?

The lunch menu is posted on the district website. 

See what’s being served at El Morro.

How Do I Sign Up For The After School Program?

Follow the link to the SchoolPower website to see options and register. SchoolPower is now hosting After School Programs for El Morro students.

How Can I Get Involved?

Contact us to find out ways you can get involved.



El Morro PTA is thrilled to have you join in all of the exciting events and activities during the school year. You are invited to learn more about the PTA and get involved in a very important part of your children's experience at El Morro Elementary School.


When you volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed!


Several openings are available. You recognize the importance of family involvement in school. Would you consider helping out for an event, joining a committee, becoming a member of the PTA board?


Please contact to find out more details. 

Thank you to our AMAZING Sponsors

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for helping make this event a success!

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please refer to our Sponsorship page. 

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